Cathryn Maloney Bachelor of Applied Science (Speech Pathology)

Speech Therapist

I provide speech pathology services for children and adults with speech or language difficulties, intellectual disabilities, hearing impairment, physical disabilities, developmental delays and eating and swallowing problems.

Children: speech difficulties, language delay, hearing impairment, stuttering, AAC (alternative & augmentative communication), feeding difficulties, voice disorders and impaired social skills.

Adults: speech and language problems, meal management, AAC (alternative & augmentative communication), behaviour intervention and coordination of supports.

I have worked as a speech therapist for over 20 years in both Australia and Ireland.

I work closely with parents, carers, support staff, other allied health professionals and educational services staff in supporting children and adults to:

  • become better communicators;
  • develop their intellectual, social and communication skills;
  • attend mainstream and specialist services;
  • make the transition to or from school;
  • move to a different support service;
  • participate in extra-curricular activities;
  • eat and drink in a safer manner.

I am a registered provider with the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), Better Start for Children with a Disability, FAHCSIA for children with autism and a practising member of Speech Pathology Australia.


Phone 0411 217 147
Fax 03 6272 1621
ABN 54 255 790 998

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